Business Ontario College Diploma Program
Prepare to launch an exciting and rewarding career in the business field. Learn to develop strategic business plans and navigate economic influences affecting the global market through business simulations and working with real clients. Whether you go on to work for yourself or a large corporation, or continue your education, the opportunities are endless.
Note: Students have up to 7 years to complete all requirements.
Admission Requirements
OSSD or equivalent, ENG4C or ENG4U, any 12 Math (C), or (U),
If English is not your first language you must either provide proof of English competency or take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
You must have a minimum overall band score of 5.5 on IELTS, or a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer scored) or 80 IBT (internet based) to be admitted to a postsecondary program at the college. SPP in India requires a minimum of IELTS 6.
Diploma Requirements
Note: Students have up to 7 years to complete all requirements.
Admission Requirements
OSSD or equivalent, ENG4C or ENG4U, any 12 Math (C), or (U),
If English is not your first language you must either provide proof of English competency or take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
You must have a minimum overall band score of 5.5 on IELTS, or a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer scored) or 80 IBT (internet based) to be admitted to a postsecondary program at the college. SPP in India requires a minimum of IELTS 6.
Diploma Requirements
- ACC135 Introduction to Financial Accounting I
- BUS108 Introduction to Business
- BUS117 Computer Applications for Business I
- BUS195 Organizational Behaviour
- BUS251 Introduction to Human Resources
- ECN100 Microeconomics
- MKT100 Introduction to Marketing
- ACC142 Financial Accounting II
- BUS120 Computer Applications for Business II
- ECN101 Macroeconomics
- MKT130 Marketing II
- CMM125 College Communications
- MTH170 Business Mathematics
- ACC209 Managerial Accounting
- BUS202 Professional Selling
- BUS212 Operations Management
- BUS214 Project Management
- LAW230 Business Law
- GENED General Education Elective
- SBM226 Entrepreneurship
- BUS 209 Business Simulation - Online
- BUS304 Business Research
- BUS245 Corporate Social Responsibility
- CMM230 Workplace Communications
- MTH178 Quantitative Methods for Accounting
- GENED General Education Elective
Note: Check with the institution regarding start/end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to program, section, and/or semester.
Related Courses
- Introduction to Financial Accounting I
- Introduction to Business
- Computer Applications for Business I
- Organizational Behaviour
- Introduction to Human Resources Administration
- Microeconomics
- Financial Accounting II
- Marketing II
- College Communication I
- Business Mathematics
- Managerial Accounting
- Professional Selling
- Operations Management
- Project Management
- Business Law
- Entrepreneurship
- Business Simulation
- Corporate and Social Responsibility
- Communications II
- Quantitative Methods of Accounting
- Marketing for Business
- Computer Applications for Business II
- Business Research
- Macroeconomincs

- Institution: Canadore College
- Program type: Diplôme
- Language: English
- Program Code: 020115
- Delivery Method: Entièrement en ligne/à distance