Curriculum Models In ECE


In this course, students will examine the evolution of how children have been viewed throughout history and will make a connection between societal values and the types and level of quality of services and programs available to young children and their families. An investigation of the various curriculum models and approaches, typically found in early learning centers, will be undertaken. The practical applications of the models will be explored and the benefits for children and their families, researched. Students will also explore the components of a philosophical statement and create statements which reflect their personal philosophy of early childhood education.

Note: Check with the institution regarding start/ end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to the program, section, and/or semester.


Cambrian College logo
  • Institution: Cambrian College
  • Level: College
  • Language: English
  • Course Code: ECE2315
  • Delivery Method: Entièrement en ligne/à distance

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